Friday, June 19, 2015

Welcome to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - The Ethics of Self-Experimentation

Let's step back in time to another place, where science was just grabbing hold of the public imagination and making people question almost everything they had previously taken for granted. Victorian England was a focal point for the Industrial Revolution and the changes it brought to all aspects of life. Believe it or not, science as we know it today, was still in its infancy, with a royal society dedicated to those "scientists" (not even called that then!) who made questioning and reporting on their findings a "thing."

Today, science continues to usurp (take over) all other aspects of the human experience: morality, ethics, emotions, religion, etc. This tension between science and mystery is just as relevant today, making Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde just as relevant today as when it was written, maybe even more so.

By way of introduction to this blog, here's your first assignment:

Explore this link to read about scientists who experimented on themselves in order to further scientific knowledge:

In the comments section of the blog:

  • introduce yourself by commenting on the scientific experimenter you found most intriguing, and
  • give your opinion on the ethics of self-experimentation and experimenting on others (with or without their knowledge)

Due Tuesday, 9/22 at 8 a.m.